Some inquiring minds have asked………

What does my sewing/quilting “nest” look like????? A very short, somewhat guided ‘tour’………

“L” shaped table custom designed/made by DH

The wonderful sewing table was needed when I had my sewing shop in a retail space in town. When I moved my shop home, I was thrilled to see how perfectly it fit this corner of the room. And so, the tour is ended. If there are any questions, feel free to ask…….


About treadlemusic

A quilter who rides motorcycle, living on a small hobby farm in southeastern Minnesota. Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
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18 Responses to Some inquiring minds have asked………

  1. Teje says:

    Hi! Your creative space looks so good! Lots of space and you have so well everything in order! What a pleasure to work with a big table. x Teje

    • treadlemusic says:

      Hey, Teje! The nice thing about a picture…I can crop out my organized totes that are under all those flat table tops! Seriously, though…..I do have a very nice space that allows me to leave the “in-process” project out until I am able return to it. So glad you could stop by (so neat how the internet makes your visits possible..all that way..hehe!).

  2. Just don’t ask me to photograph my office, at least not until after I purge it of excess paper. My office was once the nursery and then the toy room. Not nearly as spacious as your sewing room, but I love it none-the-less. Thanks for the tour.

  3. Candy says:

    Your “nest” like mine, reminds of a statement my first quitting teacher made…..nature abhors a vacuum. Of course, she was referring to qui,ting the quilt. But it can also apply to our sewing areas…if there’s an empty space, fill it! And I do!!

  4. witchylin says:

    Fabulous ‘nest’ Doreen. Would love to have something similar. We don’t have a spare room. 😦
    Maybe one day. At least with Gary away all week i can spread out in my large farmhouse kitchen and on the big wooden table but it all has to be put away on a Friday afternoon before he gets home. Really love the table and the machine set up.

    • treadlemusic says:

      I used to create at my kitchen table….when the boys were still home (and using the room as their bedroom!), so totally understand. I would put a vinyl tablecloth over my fabric, etc, that was on the table and move the machine to a corner of the room, then we would have the meal! Removing the tablecloth, then, revealed the sewing project once more. Simplified the maneuver somewhat. Hugs, D

  5. KrisR says:

    LOVE IT, Doreen! I would feel SO at home in your quilting/sewing space.

    I was thinking today that mine needed a little organization/tidy-up/clean-up. When my pile of scraps from projects tips over onto the floor and my dust bunnies become dust LIONS….well, I think it’s time for a little Little House TLC work. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing!

    • treadlemusic says:

      I am SO glad you stopped by…please, remember that a camera can carefully exclude some things, too! Hehe! My stacks of fabric totes, etc are under all those nice tables……there is absolutely NO room for dust bunnies/rabbits/lions!!!!LOL!

  6. ruthiequilts says:

    What a great space! I’d love to come peek through your treasure trove! Thanks for showing it to us! (I wouldn’t be caught dead showing mine! LOL!)

  7. Marsha says:

    You have a serger. Do you use it a lot? I’ve never even tried one but I can see they might be useful. Nice tour!

    • treadlemusic says:

      I do use it on some projects…like the necktie purses and totes I have made. I used it more when I had my shop. My specialty was bridal gowns/bridesmaid dresses and other (ex.-prom)dresses & formal wear. Also, men’s wear alterations (hems, etc). As you can tell from the yellowing, it is an old model…..going on 20 yrs. Before I had it I relied on a zig-zag stitch on the fabric edge. Wished I would have had it for the days of making t-shirts, lingerie, swimwear and dance/skating costumes! Glad you stopped by! Hugs..

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