Quilting….full speed ahead!……

After all the gallivanting (and some more planned in the not so distant future!), I am back with Ms Sweetie. Another client’s quilt…..a block of the month. Always presents challenges. How to quilt: edge to edge??? blocks done individually??? a blend of the two?? For the most part, I decided to treat the blocks in groups. The center 4 are baskets and were quilted the same.  From that point on, the blocks radiate out from that grouping and each design group will have the same stitch motifs. The common stitch is a vine/swirl which adds the nice texture needed and picks up elements in the block stitchings. Here’s a few photos to give you a ‘feel’ for what I described. I should be finishing this one up on Friday.001 002003004006005  Samplers, such as this one, are really an enjoyable creative task. Back to stitching………..

About treadlemusic

A quilter who rides motorcycle, living on a small hobby farm in southeastern Minnesota. Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
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20 Responses to Quilting….full speed ahead!……

  1. Can’t wait to see the end results, which are always stunning. I’m already loving the prints.

  2. Thread crazy says:

    Love the quilting of the 2 blocks together; I’m not quite there with my quilting yet…still working at it though. You mentioned edge to edge as an alternative. When quilting that way, do you anchor your stitches at edge? I’ve seen some done that way were quilting runs off edge and I’d think once it’s trimmed, then there would be the possibility of stitches coming undone? Or am I just overthinking this process…probably so. Anyways, beautiful quilting.

    • treadlemusic says:

      No, you aren’t “overthinking”. Actually, there are many who would make sure that the stitchings stop before getting close to the edge so that the “squaring off” process wouldn’t sever the stitches. I feel that they will be secured with the binding process and I haven’t had any come undone (that I know of!). When I do a specific border pattern (like I will be doing on this one….feathers, I’m sure) I try to stay within the quilt, leaving at the 1/4″ margin at the edge so that part of the motif doesn’t get cut off in the trimming and maybe look weird. If I do an all-over/edge to edge pattern I don’t consider this 1/4″ at all. Great question(s)!!!! Hugs……….

  3. Michele says:

    Looks good so far.

  4. Great job! I especially love the last picture with the pink!

  5. Paula says:

    It is exciting to see my quilt in progress. It looks Great!!! Thanks so much.

  6. Jackie says:

    Loving the colors, beautiful work as usual!

  7. mtetar says:

    Work of art!!! Blessings, Mtetar

  8. There is something magical about quilts. So lovely!

  9. Fiona says:

    I love how you do the quilting especially for the quilt and the blocks in it… makes such a difference.


    • treadlemusic says:

      Thank you so much for the encouragement. I sometimes get so focused on a project I kinda wonder if there is anyone, other than myself, who will like it (especially if it’s being done for a customer!!!!). Blessings…….

  10. Malini says:

    Those are looking awesome! Great quilting!
    Great idea to couple some blocks together for quilting.

    • treadlemusic says:

      For the sake of some type of “common thread” (sorry for the pun!) I decided to do it that way. When it’s finished I’ll have better photos. Thanks for stopping by…hugs……

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