As promised…………

Here is another idea for Holiday gift giving. Around our house I spend my days in my sewing/quilting studio and DH takes over his area making fabulous wines. The varieties seem endless but our faves are cherry, cranberry, apple, rhubarb, peach, beet (yes, I said ‘beet’!) and various combos of the above!!! Quilting and wine…..a marvelous pairing!!! So, when it comes to giving we each are able to put in our part……….thus we are into wine totes of different styles…………..

008 009

010 Once I started, they somehow managed to multiply! Really quite a fun project! 015

The pattern I used may be found here. It seems to fit several styles of bottles well and can be made with the “cut-out” handle or with the ties (my modification).

The other idea I needed a fabric solution for was the gift cards I had purchased, so I merely made fabric “envelopes”……..didn’t really put a closure on them other than the flap (which I ironed down well to give a crease but could have the crease stitched close to the edge). Just 2 fabric pieces, right sides together, stitched, turned and edges topstitched ……….very simple!!!!!!011

The next few days will see very little of me at the machines……….more at the piano!

Til next time………Thank you so very much for taking your precious moments to stop by for a visit…..I truly cherish your friendship and consider myself very blessed!

About treadlemusic

A quilter who rides motorcycle, living on a small hobby farm in southeastern Minnesota. Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
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25 Responses to As promised…………

  1. Sartenada says:

    These are wonderful!!!

  2. daniellajoe says:

    i love quilt!!! they are really lovely, Great Job Doreen!! 🙂
    p.s I had to reblog…

  3. daniellajoe says:

    Reblogged this on DaniellaJoe's Blog and commented:
    Aren’t these lovely!!!

  4. Thread crazy says:

    Yummy, I bet your hubby’s homemade wine is simply delicious! Both you and him are so talented. Those wine totes are unique and must make some for next year! One could modify fabric and use them all year long, or at least with our large family and friends. Merry Christmas Doreen,; may this next year bring many new adventures to you and hubby.

    • treadlemusic says:

      And the same to you!!! We’re starting to plan our southward January trek. DH has added Salado to the Garmin possibilities. We’ll be in touch.
      I’m going to make more of these totes in ‘stash’ fabrics that would be more year ’round “flavored”. I thought the holiday themed ones could be hung on a narrow wall (sans wine bottle!!! LOL!) with pine boughs in it as a “vase”/sconce type container…….dual purpose in the “home dec” category!!!!! Holiday hugs to you, dear friend…

  5. sharechair says:

    You are a talented pair!! I love wine and I love those totes!! Perfect pairing, indeed! They are beautiful, truly. I love all your quilting wonderfulness!!!!

    • treadlemusic says:

      And without your input my technical ineptness would know no bounds!!!! You make this stuff understandable even for ME!!!!! LOL!!! DH’s hobby really does “dovetail” the quilting very nicely, doesn’t it!?! It really does provide an opportunity for us to come together with very compatible finishes/sharings! Love it, too!!! Hugs……….

  6. Fiona says:

    I’ve done a bunch of the wine totes this year too… useful… I just need to fill them up and off we go…
    Have a lovely Christmas season…

  7. What a great gift, made by both of you with the passion you bring to your crafts. I can only imagine how delighted recipients are to receive the wine and tote.

    Bless you for playing piano at the hospital. Or are you elsewhere today?

    • treadlemusic says:

      You got it right…….leaving in a bit. We’ve just had a very light dusting of snow and the temps have dropped quickly with the gusty winds (40 mph forecast) whipping our windbreak pines into a frenzy! Some raindrops mixed with some type of frozen somethings, too!!! BUT we’re hardy Minnesotans……yes????? (ugh!)……………..

  8. witchylin says:

    The wine totes are brilliant. Pity I have already given the wine out. I will certainly be making some for next year. Yours are just perfect.

    • treadlemusic says:

      If you decide to make some, let me know cuz I modified the directions for easier quilting of the piece and final construction (using the tutorial I linked to). I’m glad they inspired you!!!!!! Hugs……………..

  9. mtetar says:

    Your Holiday Projects are all just right and gifts will be presented in style and from the HEART. Kind regards to hubby. Be Blessed, Mtetar

  10. Beth Ann says:

    Those are beautiful and I bet the recipients of the wine are thrilled. Your hubby is very talented and how wonderful to combine both of your talents together. Love it. May you and DH have a lovely Christmas. Hugs.

    • treadlemusic says:

      We are looking forward to our family time together, especially now that GG#2 will be very much “into” the sights of the season!!!!! Hard to believe she is already 1-1/2 yrs!!!! Another gentle reminder of time’s passage.
      Blessings and joys of Christmas to you, Chris and your family, also!!!!! And many thanks for your ‘virtual’ and REAL friendship!!!!!! Hugs…………………

  11. Jackie says:

    you never cease to amaze me Doreen, these wine totes are so cool. What a creative and fun gift for you and your husband to team-up on 🙂

    • treadlemusic says:

      When I started my quilting (more seriously) a couple of years ago, there were several who said if relaxing (which is a very necessary component in free motion quilting) was difficult….have a small(?) glass of wine. I always smiled at that and then DH took up his pastime and, I must say, I totally concur!!!!! 4:00pm here is “wine time” every day and we’re lovin’ it!!!!! Thanks for popping in!!! Hugs……………

  12. Gloria says:

    Lucky are the people who receive a gift from you and Tom, they are truly gifts from the heart. I hope your Christmas holidays are filled with love, family and friends.

    • treadlemusic says:

      And the same to you and your family! Our family is small so gatherings take on similarities but grand fun…..the 2 great grands keep us all “hopping”! Hugs……………

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