
It feels and looks a little more summery around here! It’s 80F, the lawn mower is running (apparently the grass wasn’t deterred by the recent snowfall! and I pulled some of the summer furniture out….Yay! But first, the front yard had some clean-up that needed to be done. As a result of the recent heavy wet snow and ice, we lost many of the branches off of the pine tree in our front yard. Last evening #2 son climbed the tree and used the chain saw to lop them off cleanly and DH finished the job today. Once the branches hit the ground they seemed to multiply somehow!……….


Our front porch is typical of older Midwestern farmhouses, with its railings,  wood floors and the obligatory swing (my opinion!). It’s a wonderful place to do hand work, grab a cup of morning coffee or eat a meal……all listening to the chorus of birds singing their little hearts out!!!!!……..


And, or course, I can’t forget my little “Firefly Guy”!!!!  004Yup! Let the summer begin…………

About treadlemusic

A quilter who rides motorcycle, living on a small hobby farm in southeastern Minnesota. Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
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34 Responses to Finally……….

  1. Love your front porch. Wish I had one!

    • treadlemusic says:

      When we bought the house it was an enclosed porch w/ aluminum combo windows…..a mud room “catch-all”. Took a few years, but finally got it opened up and put the porch swing up…..our fave spot now! Very typical Midwest farmhouse style.

  2. Sartenada says:

    Summer – it sounds so beautiful. It has been slowly getting warmer here in Finland and yesterday we had 21ºC = 69.8ºF. The front porch is fantastic beautiful.

  3. ivoryspring says:

    Your front porch looks so cosy – and I can see those tulips just waiting to burst!!!!

  4. witchylin says:

    Summer at last. When I lived in Australia I had an old stone house with a verandah (porch). Could sit out there in the cool and sew, read or just think. How I miss it. Here in the UK they are not common, 😦 What a difference this weather makes to life. I feel like getting the whole house summer cleaned and then outside with the sewing. My kitchen is nearly finished, the tiles will be done by the end of today then I can give everything a good clean, polish my table and hurray, get out the quilting.

    • treadlemusic says:

      I am so excited for you!!!!!! It seems like a forever project(!) but one that will give huge enjoyment in the future!!! Quilting will soon be in your hands…..yay!!! Hugs, Doreen

  5. mandymunroe says:

    What a beautiful house. So exciting you’re gearing up for summer, I cant wait to get in my garden!

    • treadlemusic says:

      Our garlic is up and we had our first asparagus tonight! Yay!! can hardly believe it!! Thanks so much for the sweet words. We still find it hard to believe we’ve been here for 39 years, raised our boys and have become Great Grandparents!!!! Yikes!!!

    • treadlemusic says:

      Planting some lavender last evening was so nice. The soft rains today is the perfect ‘welcome’ to my garden. So glad you could stop by…..hugs…….

  6. Jeanne says:

    Yup summer seems to be here – I think we missed spring! Your porch looks so inviting!

  7. Oh, I want a porch like that!! The Perfect place to sit and sew. Glad your weather has improved – enjoy!!

  8. Beth Ann says:

    I would love to come sit on your swing!!!! Lovely! I spent all morning planting flowers and herbs and now it is raining! Perfect timing!!!!

    • treadlemusic says:

      A neighbor stopped by with some lavender plants his wife had dug up to thin out. Says they’re like weeds in her garden. Anyhow, they are now planted and awaiting the rain….which is just about on our doorstep!!

  9. mtetar says:

    Beautiful Front Scenery, and so is the porch. Did you make seating pad for the chair? The Firefly Guy looks great and the beautiful bloom also. Thank GOD for HIS Goodness! Be Blessed, Mtetar

  10. Karen says:

    front porches are the greatest are they not? I know I love mine and would love one on the back of the house as well and maybe on the sides too 🙂

  11. Gloria Dotzler says:

    Neighbors used to meet and greet each other on porches in the summer and really get to know each other. We used to sleep on ours when it was too hot in the house, and no air conditioning! Can’t wait to get some red geraniums in my pots. Can we sit on your porch some day and visit?

  12. You just reminded me that I need to extricate Justin (my firefly boy) from the basement. Oh, how I love that front porch. I’ve always wanted to live in a house with a porch.

  13. Linda says:

    It should be mandatory that every house and apartment have a porch that people could sit on, relax and watch the world go by!!

  14. candy says:

    Summer sounds wonderful!!

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