A step by step walk-through……..

Of the stitching motif I am doing on the red/white quilt I posted here. If needed, you may click on the photo to enlarge for detail. First, the “cast of characters”. For these I raided the one room that seems to have all that I need for such a project……..the kitchen!!001002

In spite of the fact I have purchased so many “gizmos” over the years, searching the house results in the items I most often need! Go figure!!!!003  I mark the circle/spine of the outer feather motif. 004  The air erase marker is being used on this quilt, as it’s a customer quilt that I will not be washing. If it was to be mine, or given as a gift, I would/could use a water soluble marker (as I always wash my finished quilts in cold water and put them in the dryer).005  Next, I mark the inner circle. This defines the “grid” pattern for the center.006  I decide the desired size of the grid (this ruler was the perfect width/size) and mark it well. A fan blowing in my room causes the markings to disappear rather rapidly!!!! Ask me how I know!! LOL!007  I, then, stabilize the area by stitching the inner circle.008  The design I am doing is created by stitching wavy lines through the intersecting grid junctions, first, one direction on all and then coming back to finish.009  That completes the horizontal direction.010  I complete the vertical direction the same way.011  Next, I stabilize the outer area by stitching the larger circle, which becomes the ‘spine’ of the feather motif. This is all the marking that I do. The feather ‘plumes’ are done FMQ/freehand (and this is the method I usually use when FMQ). I find that most of the quilts I do are “edge to edge” stitchings and don’t require any type of markings….even if I do all feathers.012  The inner plumes………013  Completed……and the outer plumes………014   In process, and………015  Done…with the first of several setting triangle motifs. This morning I will do a few more and then we head to the river for the weekend. I, also, have a bridesmaid dress fitting to do later today for a September wedding. Yup, I haven’t totally let go of that part of my life!!! (note: For those not aware, years ago, I had a bridal/formal wear sewing business) I hope this answers/clarifies any questions about how I completed this portion of the quilting on this quilt. Let me know if there is any further info I need to “put out there”….thanks and have a wonderful weekend!!! Blessings……

About treadlemusic

A quilter who rides motorcycle, living on a small hobby farm in southeastern Minnesota. Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
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33 Responses to A step by step walk-through……..

  1. Thanks for showing me how you do this. That’s cool. I can’t use air soluble markers, because I don’t finish my projects quick enough and all my markings disappear. LOL.

    • treadlemusic says:

      I ‘hear’ ya on that one. I hadn’t used them in a long time but this customer’s quilt was moving along in a timely fashion so the markers worked well (as long as I didn’t have a fan blowing in my direction!!).

  2. candy says:

    Doreen…Do you mind if I post a link to this on our guild website? It’s a great tutorial!

  3. Valerie says:

    Boy you are a smart girl! Great idea using the tray – and the quilting is just lovely. 🙂 If you ever pop over to Gadget Girls website – they have a set of acrylic nested circle rulers for about $28 – I believe they start out at 1 or 2″ and go all the way up to 12″!

  4. Beth Ann says:

    Love love love love love it!!!! It is going to be so perfect!!!!

  5. Fiona says:

    hello… I popped in from Cindy Needhams blog where you so kindly left me a comment on my little doily project… thanks so much and great now to see your lovely work too…. I know I will get lots of inspiration from your work…

    • treadlemusic says:

      Fiona….Hey!!!! I think we are going to be great “bloggy” friends!!!!! I’ve been following/admiring Cindy’s technique/talents for quite a while and her influence is phenomenal, hmmmmm? So lovely to have you come along, also!!!! Hugs, Doreen

  6. jennyklyon says:

    Oh my-this is GORGEOUS! You really do make it look simple!

    • treadlemusic says:

      Ya know, Jen…….it really is. I will have to say that the time to finish the first total motif and the most recent is quite different (duh! surprise!!) and the wavy grid is far more uniform now which just supports the fact that practice/doing it perfects that eye/hand coordination that is placed in our ‘memory bank’. LOL! AND I LOVE IT!!! I can’t tell you how much your kind comments mean to me!! Thank you so much, dear Bloggy Friend!! Mucho hugs, Doreen

  7. You are so clever and make it look so easy!! Hope you’re having a fab weekend!! xo

  8. ivoryspring says:

    VERY nicely done, SSAB!!!!

  9. witchylin says:

    Have a wonderful weekend. You deserve it. Thank you for the tutorial, your secrets are safe with us. 🙂 How easy you make it all look. I will certainly try the wavy line centre and something different on the outer edge. Trying to get away from feathers, will probably end up with them though!!

  10. Michele says:

    It is simply fabulous. Thank you for taking us through your steps. I’m sure that I will refer back to this post in the future.

  11. Jackie says:

    The work you do is amazing, thanks for the informative tutorial for those of us who are not quilters.

  12. Jeanne says:

    I have many gadgets in my sewing rooms but I agree that so many times, the best tools are found elsewhere in the house. This is good – it requires us to think!!! Thanks for the tut- I didn’t register that the grid was wavy lines – very nice! Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. And the plate you used as your tracing pattern is even red. I continue to be impressed with your skills and talents, and, now, tracing abilities.

  14. ruthiequilts says:

    Thank you so much for this tutorial D!!! It is fabulous! I love a good tute!!! (And I must say that I looooove your fancy schmancy plate!!!!) LOL! (Same sort of tools that I use!) It is awesome to see how you do it… I may attempt feathers at some point. Or, maybe I’ll just think about it awhile… XOXO

  15. This is looking awesome! I love the center FMQ design and your methods seems so doable and awesome! Love the feathers.

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