Out the door………..

And back to quilting. At the beginning of August I shifted gears and got back into my alterations’ mode. The last of the dresses are completed and gone (wear date/wedding is Sept. 1st). It’s amazing how such dresses can take up huge amounts of space in my moderately small sewing area (and hallway leading to the room!). The bridal gown didn’t require much in the way of “tweaking” as the bodice (strapless at purchase) is a bustier style w/ lacing up the back. The gal wanted straps added (I made them detachable and duplicate style of the back laces), hem and bustle (needed 3). A photo “diary” follows……..


Now, back to quilting…………..

About treadlemusic

A quilter who rides motorcycle, living on a small hobby farm in southeastern Minnesota. Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
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25 Responses to Out the door………..

  1. mtetar says:

    Doreen this is all patience and talents. Great job! Blessings, Mtetar

  2. coastalmom says:

    Beautiful! I actually found your blog thru the backdoor (so glad I did) cuz I was having the same problem you were commenting on non wordpress blogs… Big bummer. Guess they never fixed the problem. But you do realize TimeThief is a volunteer, right?
    Anyway your work is wonderful!

    • treadlemusic says:

      Yup, I do realize that TimeThief (and others) are volunteers. I, also, realize that when there is a “bubble” of activity (possibly), or some such, on Wp problems develop. Communication between Wp and its subscribers (free/paid) would be so appreciated (at least by me!).
      Enough of that! I am thrilled you “found me” and hope we can begin a bloggy friendship/relationship in the days ahead. Thank you so much for your kind words and visit! Blessings………

  3. ruthiequilts says:

    You are such an amazing talent my friend! I don’t do clothes… Something to do with a chiffon dress and an iron in Home Ec. Remember Home Ec? LOL!

  4. Fiona says:

    gosh that looks so beautiful… you are brave!

  5. Linda says:

    So, so beautiful! I used to have the ability to do that…..sigh. I couldn’t do it any more, which leaves me with mixed feelings. I have an excuse not to, but would love to do it if asked, especially for family…

    xo Linda

  6. Malini says:

    WOW! That is so beautiful!

  7. Well done! Enjoy your quilting now!!

  8. Congratulations on this finish! Have fun with the quilting!

  9. Thread crazy says:

    If you are like most quilters, you enjoy your time away but ohhh so anxious to get back to quilting! Welcome back!!

  10. And you just made one bride gloriously happy. Well done, my friend.

  11. Karen says:

    I admire your patience for sewing with that kind of fabric – not for me I will stick with the easiness of hand piecing and hand quilting LOL

  12. Pleased to have you back to quilting. No more tricky, slippy, slidey fabrics 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend. I’m off to bind a quilt. Avis x

  13. Karen says:

    Ahhh lady! You have more patience and skill than me! Congratulations on getting the alterations done! Just beautiful! Now, back to quilting… Yippee!

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