Tuesday is, well, finished!!!………

It kinda turned into a marathon of sorts! Maybe to make up for the “playing”/running around that I’ve been doing. In case you’ve not noticed, I’m definitely a “black or white” type of person!!! Either I’m at a complete standstill (not often, I must interject!) or it’s hyper-speed. Ah well………..Monday’s 3 loads of laundry became Tuesday’s, then all those linens just had to have a tad bit of attention….you know, a soak in OxyClean type stuff. Then we were out of bread(!), so, now we aren’t! IMG_6021  Two loaves of craisin/pecan and 2 of plain white (for DH). All sourdough. The house does smell yummy!!! Needless to say, the house temp rose a bit above the outside temp of 83F….let’s hear it for summer—yay!

But I really did need to finish that non-vintage cloth……and it’s pretty much there! Just need to fill in the 2” blank border space. Let’s see……….IMG_6025  That little slip of fabric peeking out is my choice (I think) for the binding. It has all the colors and is, well, kinda funky and I like that. I mean, really!! how much does a binding show?! 1/4” maybe??? It’s not on there yet and a lot can happen before then!!! Linking up with the “party” at Jo’s Country Junction.……come along and see the fun!!!!! Now, on to Wednesday. Let’s see what’s on the calendar…….back later……see ya………bye!

About treadlemusic

A quilter who rides motorcycle, living on a small hobby farm in southeastern Minnesota. Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
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17 Responses to Tuesday is, well, finished!!!………

  1. I can almost smell that lovely bread!

    • treadlemusic says:

      Yes, there’s nothing like the aroma of fresh bread in a home! I am baking all our breads these days and enjoying the process (& knowing what’s not in the bread is nice, too!).
      So glad you stopped by for a visit! Please, come again! BTW….your latest finish is gorgeous!!!!!! hugs…….

  2. I love the quilting on the non-vintage cloth! And the bread looks amazing!

  3. Michelle says:

    That bread sounds delicious!

  4. sharechair says:

    She quilts AND makes her own bread! Awesome, you!

    • treadlemusic says:

      LOL! Baking bread has been a “thing” with us since the late 60s, when we discovered, and became members of, one of the first food coops in Mpls. There’s absolutely nothing like homemade bread!!!!! YUM!

  5. Debbierose says:

    Your curve quilting is perfect, whats your secret?

  6. I love those funky fifties colors which had nothing to do with reality, like those turquoise apples and grapes. I have one tablecloth that has lavender squash and moss green melons. It would really kill your appetite if you studied the color choices while eating! 🙂 They must have saved money by using leftover dyes.

    • treadlemusic says:

      But, then, stoves/frigs were either Harvest Gold or Avocado Green!!!!! Thankful for disappearing trends (although they have a tendency to reappear down the road a bit!!! LOL!) Maybe your lavender/moss green cloth needs some “texturizing”??!!!! hehe…………..

      • I have been practicing on that! I am working on one piece where I took a piece of decorator fabric, quilted along the pattern lines, and then quilted out past the scrap onto the background, as you have suggested in one of your posts. And in another practice piece, I tacked down old linen napkins and then FMQ’d. Someday I will graduate to a usable piece!

  7. daphnedawn says:

    The binding is going to perfect with the colors in the quilt. Now I’m wanting fresh baked bread after seeing your photo.

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